17 research outputs found

    Current Results of the EC-sponsored Catchment Modelling (CatchMod) Cluster

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    To support the Water Framework Directive implementation, much research has been commissioned at both national and European levels. CatchMod is a cluster of these projects, which is focusing on the development of computational catchment models and related tools. This paper presents an overview of the results of the CatchMod cluster to dat

    Vurdering av helheten i overvåkingen av eutrofiering i ferskvann i Norge. Hovedrapport

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    Årsliste 1999Rapporten viser at dagens overvåking av eutrofiering totalt sett gir et lite helhetlig bilde av eutrofieringsutviklingen i norske vannforekomster. På kort sikt anbefales at de eksisterende overvåkingsprogrammene som ikke følger anbefalingene som er gitt i SFTs klassifikasjonssystem for vannkvalitet med hensyn til parametre (nøkkel- og støtteparametre) og prøvetakingsfrekvens, bør tilpasses dette systemet for overvåking i år 2000. På litt lengre sikt, anbefales det å utvikle et landsomfattende overvåkingsprogram relatert til eutrofiering av innsjøer og elver som dekker alle behov for overvåking og rapportering både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Programmet bør fremskaffe et helhetlig bilde over trofistatus og utvikling av denne i norske elver og innsjøer.Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT

    Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China, CHN 017. Consolidated Summary Report of NIVA's mission to Harbin April 1999

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    This report describes the activities taking place under NIVA's mission to Harbin, Heilongjiang in April 1999 on the project "Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China". The report consists of five main parts a general section, project management, data collection, training and ENSIS installation and a summary report on instrument installation. More detailed information from the project activities and discussions is given in Annex 1-8

    Vurdering av helheten i overvåkingen av eutrofiering i ferskvann i Norge - Datarapport

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    Denne datarapporten omfatter alle grunnlagsdata som er benyttet for å gi en helhetsvurdering av SFTs overvåking av eutrofiering i ferskvann i Norge. All videre bearbeiding og vurderinger av materialet er samlet i hovedrapporten for prosjektet: "Vurdering av helheten i overvåkingen av eutrofiering i ferskvann i Norge" (NIVA-LNR: 4131-99). Vedleggene omfatter innsamlede data fra SFT, fylker og kommuner, samt en systematisering av disse

    AQUAPOL-project: Model applications and comparison in the Kapos catchment, Hungary

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    AQUAPOL is a project funded by The Research Council of Norway (RCN) under the EU Candidate Countries Programme. The project has carried out a pilot study in the Kapos catchment in Hungary, with the overall aim to develop tools facilitating the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Hungary. This report describes the application and inter-comparison of tools for the quantification of nutrient fluxes in the Kapos catchment. 4 different approaches were tested in the Kapos catchment; Source Apportionment (SA), TEOTIL, INCA-P and SWAT, listed from simple to complex. The study showed that each approach has different strengths and weaknesses. The simpler approaches are quick and very useful for screening purposes. The more complex models provide deeper insight into the catchment processes, provide results on a finer time resolution and, at least to some extent, support scenario analysis for management purposes. The project has been carried out as a close co-operation between VITUKI CONSULT Rt and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)

    Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China, CHN 017. Consolidated Summary Report of NIVA's mission to Mudanjiang and Harbin September - November 1999

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    This report describes the activities taking place under NIVA's missions to Mudanjiang and Harbin in Heilongjiang Province in September - November 1999 on the project "Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China". The report consists of the three main parts, reporting on a mission to Mundanjiang in September on Abatement strategy, on a training session in Harbin in October, and a project meeting in Harbin in November

    1997 Activities on the Water Part of the Project: Environmental Surveillance and Information System for Yanti, P.R. of China

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    This report describes activities in 1997 on the water part of the project Environmental Surveillance and Information System for Yanti. The report consists of three main parts namely, a summary and introduction section, a Summary Report of NIVA's mission to Yantai 4-7 March 1997, and a Status Report for the Data Collection and Monitoring Equipment in the River Jia Catchment

    Harmonised Reporting Procedures for Nutrients (HARP) Workshop Report - Oslo 26-29 January 1998

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    The first Workshop organised in the framework of HARP was held in Oslo 26-29 January 1998 and was organised by Norway, DG XI of the EC and the EPA. Participants from all Contracting Parties/signatories to OSPAR (exept Iceland and Luxembourg), and representatives from UNEP, the Secretatiats of the Fifth North Sea Conference, HELCOM, OSPAR, Rhine Commission, EEA/ETC (marine and freshwater) attended the Workshop. attended the Workshop. Starting points for discussions were the recommendations from OSPARs working group on nutrients (NUT) as regard key issues/main elements to be included in HARP. The workshop gave further clasification on which elements were to be included in HARP in order to achieve co-ordination between international organisations and to harmonise national calculation methods and reporting procedures. Further, the Workshop gave additional viewpoints on the use of harmonised information for reporting on the 50% reduction target for the North Sea, other reporting requirements/targets today and the future, assessment of effects of measures and development of abatement strategies/action plans on catchment levels. strategies/action plans on catchment levels. The Workshop resulted in recommendations and ideas for the further development of the various elements in HARP as regard catchment approach, quantification of agricultural nutrient losses to surface water, quantification of point sources, background load, normalisation of data, retention and riverine monitoring.Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT

    Utredninger Vansjø 2005 - Sammendrag og anbefalinger

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    Vannområdet Morsa fikk i 2005 økonomisk støtte fra MD/SFT til å gjennomføre utredninger i Vansjø i 2005. Hovedmålsettingen var å få økt kunnskap om innsjøen og prosesser knyttet til omsetningen av næringsstoffer som grunnlag for planlegging av videre hensiktsmessige tiltak. Utredninger Vansjø har bestått av følgende delprosjekter: 1. Kartlegging av variasjon av tilstand i Vansjø, 2. Undersøke mulig interngjødsling i Vestre Vansjø, 3. Utrede naturtilstanden i Vansjø ved sedimentundersøkelser 4. Forbedre tilførselsberegninger og 5. Beregne tålegrenser vha hydrologisk/økologisk modellering. Dette er en sammendragsrapport som omhandler alle delprosjektene i tillegg til et sammendrag av resultatene i prosjektet Lokale fosfortilførsler til Vestre Vansjø i regi av Jordforsk, finansiert av kommunene Moss, Rygge og Våler. Sammendragsrapporten inneholder også et kapittel om fosforbudsjett for Vansjø og et kapittel om anbefalinger av tiltak. For å lese resultatene av undersøkelsene vises det til sammendraget i rapporte

    Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China, CHN 017. Consolidated Summary Report of NIVA's mission to Mudanjiang and Harbin September - November 1999

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    Årsliste 2000This report describes the activities taking place under NIVA's missions to Mudanjiang and Harbin in Heilongjiang Province in September - November 1999 on the project "Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China". The report consists of the three main parts, reporting on a mission to Mundanjiang in September on Abatement strategy, on a training session in Harbin in October, and a project meeting in Harbin in November.Direktoratet for Utviklingshjelp (NORAD